Additional data and sources
Firmographic Data

Wellfound Companies



Record count

Total number of records


Refresh rate


Available formats


Delivery frequency

Monthly, quarterly

Available resources

Data point overview


This section contains information about the record and company profile:

  • Record source
  • Data object type
  • Creation and update timestamps
  • Various identifiers
  • Deletion status
  • Profile URL
  • Completeness score
  • Hidden and incomplete sections on AngelList
  • Profile markers such as published or quarantined.

Company details

The firmographics section includes various company data points such as the company's name, type, concept, size category, and logo.

Company profile

The company profile section provides an overview of the company's profile on Wellfound, including:

  • Culture section information
  • Funding section information
  • Jobs section information
  • Overview information
  • People section information.

Profile tags

This section includes various tags assigned to the company profile, such as company type tags, location tags, and market tags.

Company websites

This section includes various URLs of company websites and profiles.

Company jobs

This section includes information about open jobs, such as open job count, types, and locations.

The recommended startups section covers competitor startup information, such as the competitor's name, type, URL slug, and logo.

This section contains markers for the company's operating and hiring status.

Key employees 

The key employees section contains information about current and former founders, such as:

  • Name, profile URL slug, user bio, assigned location, job title, and role
  • Employment duration.


The workforce section contains information about current and former employees, such as:

  • Name, profile URL slug, user bio, assigned location, job title, and role
  • Employment duration.

Perks and culture

This section contains the company's culture statement and company perks.

Uploaded media

This section contains various media URLs uploaded to the company's Wellfound profile.

The funding, investors, and incubator funding sections contain information about the company's funding, such as:

  • Total amount raised in funding rounds
  • Total number of investors
  • Investors' names, profile URL slugs, assigned locations, and the funding round the investor has participated in
  • Company type, name, profile URL slug, and logo of the business incubator of which the company has been a part.

Funding press

This section contains information about news coverage of the company's funding and additional details about the company's funding rounds, such as:

  • Funding round closing date and raised funding amount
  • Funding round type and valuation
  • Name, profile URL slug, and logo of the investors
  • Related press release title.

Updated 27 Mar 2025
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