Data Dictionary
Documentation contains explanations and examples of all data fields available in the Wellfound (AngelList) Companies dataset.
All personal/company information mentioned within this context is entirely fictional and is solely intended for illustrative purposes.
The data points in the example snippets have been rearranged for better grouping. To see where a specific data point stands, check the full data sample here.
Data point | Description | Data type |
meta | Contains metadata about the record | Object |
created_at_date | Date when the record was initially scraped | Array of numbers (integer) |
created_at_timestamp | Unix timestamp for when the record was first scraped | Float |
updated_at_date | Date when the record was last updated | Array of numbers (integer) |
updated_at_timestamp | Unix timestamp for when the record was last updated | Float |
version_id | Identifier for the dataset version | String |
source | Source from which the record was obtained | String |
object | Data object type | String |
is_deleted | Indicates if the record is available on Wellfound | Boolean |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
id | Company record identifier in our database | String |
source_id | Source identifer | String |
slug | Profile URL slug | String |
completeness_score | Score indicating the completeness of the company profile | Integer |
incomplete_sections | Incomplete sections of the company profile | Array of strings |
hidden_sections | Hidden sections of the company profile | Array of strings |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
published | Marks if the company profile is public | Boolean |
quarantined | Marks if AngelList (Wellfound) has quarantined the company profile | Boolean |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
typename | Profile type | String |
name | Name | String |
high_concept | Concise summary or elevator pitch for a product or service | String |
company_size | Company size | String |
logo_url | Logo URL | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
culture_page | Details from the culture and benefits section of the company profile | Object |
canonical_url | Section URL | String |
description | Short page description | String |
image | Logo URL | String |
og_url | Original URL of the section | String |
robots | Meta tag that shows how the search engines index and crawl the URL | String |
title | Section title | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
funding_page | Details from the funding section of the company profile | Object |
canonical_url | Section URL | String |
description | Short page description | String |
image | Logo URL | String |
og_url | Original URL of the section | String |
robots | Meta tag that shows how the search engines index and crawl the URL | String |
title | Section title | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
jobs_page | Details from the jobs section of the company profile | Object |
canonical_url | Section URL | String |
description | Short page description | String |
image | Logo URL | String |
og_url | Original URL of the section | String |
robots | Meta tag that shows how the search engines index and crawl the URL | String |
title | Section title | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
overview_page | Details from the overview section of the company profile | Object |
canonical_url | Section URL | String |
description | Short page description | String |
image | Logo URL | String |
og_url | Original URL of the section | String |
robots | Meta tag that shows how the search engines index and crawl the URL | String |
title | Section title | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
people_page | Details from the people section of the company profile | Object |
canonical_url | Section URL | String |
description | Short page description | String |
image | Logo URL | String |
og_url | Original URL of the section | String |
robots | Meta tag that shows how the search engines index and crawl the URL | String |
title | Section title | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
company_type_taggings | Company type tags | Array of objects |
source_id | Company identifier on Wellfound | String |
name | Tag title | String |
slug | Tag URL slug | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
location_type_taggings | Location tags | Array of objects |
source_id | Company identifier on Wellfound | String |
name | Tag title | String |
slug | Tag URL slug | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
market_taggings | Market tags | Object |
source_id | Company identifier on Wellfound | String |
name | Tag title | String |
slug | Tag URL slug | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
website | Website URL | String |
blog_url | Blog URL | String |
facebook_url | Facebook page URL | String |
professional_network_url | Professional network profile URL | String |
product_hunt_url | Product Hunt page URL | String |
twitter_url | Twitter profile URL | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
job_types | Active job types | Array of objects |
count | Active job count | Integer |
name | Job type | String |
option_id | Option identifier | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
job_listing_locations | Job locations | Array of objects |
count | Active job count in the location | Integer |
name | Job location | String |
option_id | Option identifier | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
recommended_startups | Recommendations seen on the company's profile | Array of objects |
type | Profile type | String |
source_id | Company identifier on Wellfound | String |
name | Startup name | String |
slug | Profile URL slug | String |
logo_url | Logo URL | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
total_raised_amount | Total funding amount raised by the company | Integer |
no_outside_funding | Indicates if the company has received outside funding | Boolean |
investor_remaining_count | Current number of investors | Integer |
investor_total_count | Total number of investors | Integer |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
past_investor_roles | Details about the company's investors | Array of objects |
source_id | Company identifier on Wellfound | String |
past_investor_name | Investor's name | String |
past_investor_slug | Profile URL slug | String |
investor_high_concept | Profile headline | String |
investor_id | Investor identifier | String |
logo_url | Logo URL | String |
location_taggings | Location tags assigned to the profile | Array of objects |
location_display_name | Location display name | String |
primary_location_id | Location identifier | String |
location_name | Location name | String |
round | Funding rounds the investor took part in | Array of objects |
closed_at | Funding round closing date in ISO 8601 format | String (date) |
source_id | Funding round identifier on Wellfound | String |
round_type | Round type | String |
investor_remaining_count | Current number of investors | Integer |
investor_total_count | Total number of investors | Integer |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
incubators | Details on business incubators the record company has worked with | Array of objects |
type | Profile type | String |
source_id | Company identifier on Wellfound | String |
name | Name | String |
slug | Profile URL slug | String |
logo_url | Logo profile URL | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
startup_rounds | Funding rounds and related press coverage | Array of objects |
closed_at | Funding round closing date in ISO 8601 format | String |
source_id | Funding round identifier on Wellfound | String |
press_title | Press release title | String |
raised_amount | Raised amount | Integer |
round_type | Funding round type | String |
source_url | Press release URL | String |
valuation | Funding valuation | Integer |
participants_connection | Details about the investors who participated in the funding round | Array of objects |
type | Profile type | String |
source_id | Investor identifier on Wellfound | String |
name | Investor's name | String |
slug | Profile URL slug | String |
avatar_url | Investor's avatar (person) | String |
logo_url | Investor's logo (company) | String |
startup_rounds_total_count | Total number of funding rounds | Integer |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
is_hiring | Indicates if the company is actively hiring | Boolean |
is_operating | Indicates if the company is conducting active operations | Boolean |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
is_incubator | Indicates if the company acts as a business incubator | Boolean |
community_generated | Indicates if the community generated the company profile | Boolean |
public | Marks if the company is public | Boolean |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
current_founder_roles | Details on startup founders who are still involved in the company | Array of objects |
source_id | Founder identifier on Wellfound | String |
user_html_bio | User bio (with HTML tags) | String |
user_id | User identifier | String |
name | Founder's name | String |
slug | Profile URL slug | String |
path_name | Part of the Wellfound URL that directs to the user's profile | String |
avatar_url | Avatar URL | String |
primary_location_display_name | Displayed location | String |
primary_location_id | Location identifier | String |
pro_url_enabled | Indicates if the pro URL is enabled for the profile | Boolean |
role | Role in the company | String |
tenure_seconds | Indicates the duration of the person's employment at the company Note: not visible if the person is still with the company | Integer |
title | Job title | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
past_founder_roles | Details on former startup founders | Array of objects |
source_id | Founder identifier on Wellfound | String |
user_html_bio | User bio (with HTML tags) | String |
user_id | User identifier | String |
name | Founder's name | String |
slug | Profile URL slug | String |
path_name | Part of the Wellfound URL that directs to the user's profile | String |
avatar_url | Avatar URL | String |
primary_location_display_name | Displayed location | String |
primary_location_id | Location identifier | String |
pro_url_enabled | Indicates if the pro URL is enabled for the profile | Boolean |
role | Role in the company | String |
tenure_seconds | Indicates the duration of the person's employment at the company Note: not visible if the person is still with the company | Integer |
title | Job title | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
board_member_roles | Details on the company's board members | Array of objects |
source_id | Board member identifier on Wellfound | String |
user_html_bio | User bio (with HTML tags) | String |
user_id | User identifier | String |
name | Board member's name | String |
slug | Profile URL slug | String |
path_name | Part of the Wellfound URL that directs to the user's profile | String |
avatar_url | Avatar URL | String |
primary_location_display_name | Displayed location | String |
primary_location_id | Location identifier | String |
pro_url_enabled | Indicates if the pro URL is enabled for the profile | Boolean |
role | Role in the company | string |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
current_team_member_roles | Details on the company's current employees | Array of objects |
source_id | Employee identifer | String |
user_html_bio | User bio (with HTML tags) | String |
user_id | User identifier | String |
name | Employee's name | String |
slug | Profile URL slug | String |
path_name | Part of the Wellfound URL that directs to the user's profile | String |
avatar_url | Avatar URL | String |
primary_location_display_name | Displayed location | String |
primary_location_id | Location identifier | String |
pro_url_enabled | Indicates if the pro URL is enabled for the profile | Boolean |
hired_via_talent | Marks if the person was hired via Wellfound | Boolean |
role | Role in the company | String |
tenure_seconds | Indicates the duration of the person's employment at the company Note: not visible if the person is still with the company | Integer |
title | Job title | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
past_team_member_roles | Details on the company's former employees | Array of objects |
source_id | Employee identifier on Wellfound | String |
user_id | User identifier | String |
name | Employee's name | String |
slug | Profile URL slug | String |
path_name | Part of the Wellfound URL that directs to the user's profile | String |
avatar_url | Avatar URL | String |
primary_location_display_name | Display location | String |
primary_location_id | Location identifier | String |
pro_url_enabled | Indicates if the pro URL is enabled for the profile | Boolean |
hired_via_talent | Marks if the person was hired via Wellfound | Boolean |
role | Role in the company | String |
tenure_seconds | Indicates the duration of the person's employment at the company Note: not visible if the person is still with the company | Integer |
title | Job title | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
culture_statement | Culture statement | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
perks | Company perks | Array of objects |
category | Perk category | String |
description | Perk description | String |
source_id | Perk indentifer on Wellfound | String |
title | Perk title | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference:
Data point | Description | Data type |
media_upload | Media uploaded to the company's profile | Array of objects |
source_id | Media record identider | String |
image_url | Image URL | String |
mime | Media type | String |
section | Section the media is found in | String |
video_thumbnail_url | Video thumbnail URL | String |
video_url | Video URL | String |
See a snippet of the dataset for reference: