Company Data

Base Company Data


Base Company Data is designed to be used for investment, HR intelligence, and market research.

See the full company picture

Group and target companies by size, industry, category, and age.

Map company locations

Map and target companies located in relevant areas.

Dig deep into company structures

Understand specific relationships between different companies to inform your business decisions.




Data record count


Database refresh


Scraping since


Available via

Flat files/API

Delivery methods

Direct download link or file upload to a cloud server.*

* We can provide a link and credentials for you to download the dataset, or we can upload the data directly to your cloud server (S3, Azure, Google Cloud, etc.).

Related links:

Data overview

The dataset contains information from various sources organized into different sections. Here's an overview of what's included in each section:

The data points might differ depending on your chosen data format (API or flat file data).