Additional data and sources
Firmographic Data
Trustpilot Companies
Refresh rate
Available formats
Delivery frequency
Monthly, quarterly
Category | Record count |
Total number of records | 2,433,210+ |
Monthly updated records | 1,783,970+ |
This section contains information about the record and company profile:
- Record source
- Data object type
- Creation and update timestamps
- Various identifiers
- Deletion status
- Profile URL.
This section includes key firmographic details about the company, such as:
- Name
- Location
- Website
- Public contact information
- Categories assigned to the company on Trustpilot.
The review section covers various details from the reviews on Trustpilot, such as:
- Star ratings (count of each star rating, overall rating, number of ratings on the profile)
- Review source statistics (review source, count of reviews from that source, and the record date)
- Star rating statistics (star rating, count of reviews with that rating, and the record date).