Employee Data
Base Employee Data

Professional Network: Employees


Main source details

Refresh rate

Available formats

Delivery frequency


JSONL, CSV, and Parquet

Daily, monthly, and quarterly

📌 * Profiles are continually scraped from a queue, with priority given to those with recent updates. Some profiles are inaccessible and cannot be refreshed, making a complete data refresh impossible.


Record count

Total number of records


Monthly updated records


Available resources

Data point overview

Note that each section contains various metadata points, such as created and updated timestamps, deleted markers, and various identification keys.

This section includes various details main profile details, such as:

  • Name, profile URL, headline, summary, and location
  • Associated industry
  • Recommendations, connections, and follower count
  • Services the employee can be contacted for

The experience section contains details on the work experience, including:

  • Job title
  • Job description
  • Employer company
  • Company location
  • Employment start and end dates
  • Current workplace marker.


This education section details employee's education, including:

  • Educational institution and program
  • Enrolment and graduation dates
  • Education descriptions.

Skills and languages

Skills and languages sections include details about employees's skills and language knowledge.

These sections contain information about the completed courses, certifications, and awards.

The organizations lists the organizations the employee is part of.

These sections contain details about employee's projects, publications, and authored patents.