Additional data and sources
Funding Data

Owler Funding


Main source details

Refresh rate

Available formats

Delivery frequency



Monthly and quarterly

Record category

Record count

Total number of funding records


Total firmographic records


*📌 Number of records with funding_round/funding values present in the data.

Available resources

Data point overview

This section covers key company funding and financial details:

  • Total funding: the total amount of funding received by the company.
  • Funding round details: information about each funding round, including the round name, the amount raised, and participating investors.
  • Acquisitions: details on acquisitions, including the acquisition date, acquiree information, acquisition description, and the source of acquisition information.
  • Investments: information on investments, including the investment date, amount, description, and details about the investee and exit date.

Updated 24 Oct 2024
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