Data Categories
Employee Review Data

Glassdoor Reviews


Main source details

Refresh rate

Available formats

Delivery frequency



Monthly and quarterly.


Record count

Total number of records


Monthly updated records


Available resources

Data point overview


This section includes various metadata points from the record and company profile, such as:

  • Record source
  • Data object type
  • Creation and update timestamps
  • Various identifiers
  • Deletion status
  • Review publish date
  • Review language.

This section includes detailed information about the review author and content:

  • Author's location
  • Job title
  • Employment status
  • Length of employment
  • Review summary
  • Pros and cons
  • Advice to management.

This section includes the main rating categories and other key ratings in user reviews, such as:

  • CEO rating
  • Business outlook rating
  • Likelihood of recommending the company as a workplace.

This section includes various ratings on different aspects of the company provided by the user, ranging from one to five stars, such as:

  • Overall rating
  • Rating for company culture and values
  • Rating for career opportunities in the company
  • Compensation and benefits in the company
  • Company's senior management
  • Work-life balance in the company
  • Diversity and inclusion in the company.