Additional data and sources
Firmographic Data
Craft Companies
Data Sample
All personal/company information mentioned within this context is entirely fictional and is solely intended for illustrative purposes.
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91 "headline": "TechnoForge Industries Selects SyncLogix’s Supply Chain Management Platform to Enhance Distribution Efficiency",
92 "published_at": "2023-02-23",
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331 "long_description": "TechnoForge Industries specializes in advanced industrial manufacturing, focusing on the production of precision-engineered components. Its product line encompasses high-strength forged parts, custom metal fabrications, and complex assemblies. The company also provides innovative surface treatments, including thermochemical processes, ceramic coatings, and advanced plating techniques. Additionally, TechnoForge offers comprehensive services such as custom design, CNC machining, and supply chain solutions tailored to meet diverse industrial needs.",
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343 {
344 "headline": "TechnoForge Industries' New Alloy Blend Revolutionizes the Aerospace Sector",
345 "image_url": "",
346 "summary": "TechnoForge Industries, a leader in metallurgical innovations, announces its latest breakthrough in material science—a new alloy blend designed to enhance the durability and performance of aerospace components. This new development underscores TechnoForge's commitment to 'Innovating for a Stronger Tomorrow' by pushing the boundaries of technology and performance.",
347 "published_at": "2022-07-27",
348 "url": ""
349 }
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362 "footnotes": "This metric reflects the total number of industry awards and recognitions received by TechnoForge Industries in the specified period, emphasizing the company's commitment to excellence and innovation in industrial manufacturing.",
363 "period_display_end_date": "Jun, 2023",
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368 "source_url": "",
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378 },
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419 "unit_type": "currency",
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465 "period_end_date": "2023-12-31",
466 "period_type": "year",
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492 }
493 ],
494 "short_description": "TechnoForge Industries specializes in advanced industrial manufacturing and precision engineering solutions.",
495 "slug": "technoforge-industries",
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497 "stocks_summaries": [
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499 "id": "ede10f73638da0b55a1763bae718148c9dda4df8",
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506 "stock_summaries_with_closing_price": [
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511 "date": "2023-07-19"
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