Community & Repository Data
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Record category | Record count |
Total number of records | 982,387,519+ |
Below, you'll find a few categories of data points available in our developer and community data.
Data point | Description |
publisher hub_user | Publisher's name |
name username owner | Developer's name or username |
location | Developer's location |
company_name company | Company associated with the developer |
contact_info | Developer's contact information |
bio | Developer's biography |
hireable | Marks if the developer is open for hire |
follower_count | Developer's follower count |
following_count | Number of people the developer follows |
public_gist_count | Number of public gists by the developer |
public_repo_count | Number of public developer's repositories |
Data point | Description |
repo_name name | Repository title |
url | Repository URL |
created_at | Timestamp when the repository was created in ISO 8601format |
updated_at | Timestamp when the repository was updated in ISO 8601format |
repository_type | Repository type |
status | Repository status |
description full_description | Repository description |
topics | Repository topics |
repo_owner | Repository owner |
license | Open-source licenses the repository uses |
default_branch | Default branch title |
fork | Marks if the repository in a record is a copy of another repository |
fork_count | Number of repository copies |
forked_from | Link to the original repository |
open_issues_count | Number of open issues in the repository |
language | Main programming language in the repository |
languages_distribution | The distribution of languages in the repository (percentage) |
has_downloads | Indicates if other users have downloaded the repository |
has_issues | Marks if the repository has the issues section enabled |
has_pages | Marks if the repository has the pages section enabled |
has_projects | Marks if the repository has the projects section enabled |
has_wiki | Marks if the repository has the wiki section enabled |
Data type | Description |
star_count | Number of stars the repository has received |
pull_count | Number of repository downloads |
collaborator_count | Number of collaborators for the repository |
stargazer_count | Number of people who have starred the repository |
watcher_count | Number of people who are following the repository updates |