Additional data and sources
Firmographic Data
Chrome Store Companies
Data Sample
All personal/company information mentioned within this context is entirely fictional and is solely intended for illustrative purposes.
2 "_meta": {
3 "created_at_date": [
4 2023,
5 10,
6 26
7 ],
8 "created_at_timestamp": 1698305544.557812,
9 "updated_at_date": [
10 2024,
11 1,
12 12
13 ],
14 "updated_at_timestamp": 1705053234.321872,
15 "version_id": "aff195c9",
16 "source": "chromestore",
17 "object": "company",
18 "is_deleted": false
19 },
20 "doc": {
21 "id": "chromestore_company_chrome-extension/ooablmjjcdbdjhdsdfgghjkaffpbjnanonjgnm",
22 "source_id": "chrome-extension/ooablmjjcdbdjhdsdfgghjkaffpbjnanonjgnm",
23 "url": "",
24 "name": "chrome-extension",
25 "website_url": "",
26 "logo_url": "",
27 "category": [
28 "Social & Communication"
29 ],
30 "rating": 0.0,
31 "review_count": 3,
32 "users_count": 29,
33 "overview": {
34 "main_image": "https: //",
35 "description": "Overview\nStop seeing HN stories on offending topics\nSource Available on github\n\nTired of seeing political stories in the HN list? Not interested in the latest JavaScript framework? Had enough of the Rust lovefest?\nRead more\nRead less",
36 "version": "0.4",
37 "last_updated": "July 19, 2017",
38 "size": "7.31KiB",
39 "languages_count": 5
40 },
41 "privacy_practices_text": "Privacy practices\nThe developer has not provided any information about the collection or usage of your data\nTo learn more, see the developer's privacy policy",
42 "reviews": [
43 {
44 "author": "John Doe",
45 "date": "Feb 12, 2023",
46 "rating": 5,
47 "text": "That's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for writing it!"
48 },
49 {
50 "author": "Jane Doe",
51 "date": "Modified Sep 4, 2017",
52 "rating": 5,
53 "text": "great app.\"HN\""
54 }
55 ],
56 "related_extensions": [
57 {
58 "name": "social-extension",
59 "review_count": 260,
60 "rating": 4.3,
61 "url": ""
62 }
63 ]
64 }