API Data Samples
Multi-source API Data
All personal/company information mentioned within this context is entirely fictional and is solely intended for illustrative purposes.
2 "id": 8369825,
3 "source_id": "9082300",
4 "company_name": "Example Company",
5 "company_name_alias": [
6 "example-company.com",
7 "example-company"
8 ],
9 "company_legal_name": "Example Company",
10 "company_logo": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsK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\\r\\nHHqjQ28Rijjkusl2XBJK9Cea8gooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigD/9k=",
11 "company_updates_collection": [
12 {
13 "followers": 1371,
14 "date": "1mo",
15 "description": "Example description",
16 "reactions_count": 22,
17 "comments_count": 2,
18 "reshared_post_author": "John Doe",
19 "reshared_post_author_url": "https://www.professional-network.com/in/john-doe",
20 "reshared_post_author_headline": "Co-Founder at Example Company, TEDx & Keynote Speaker",
21 "reshared_post_description": "Example description",
22 "reshared_post_followers": 45,
23 "reshared_post_date": "1mo"
24 }
25 ],
26 "website": "primarywebsite.com",
27 "twitter_url": [
28 "https://twitter.com/example-company"
29 ],
30 "discord_url": [
31 "https://discord.gg/example-company"
32 ],
33 "facebook_url": [
34 "https://www.facebook.com/example-company"
35 ],
36 "instagram_url": [
37 "https://www.instagram.com/example-company"
38 ],
39 "pinterest_url": [
40 "https://www.pinterest.com/example-company"
41 ],
42 "tiktok_url": [
43 "https://www.tiktok.com/@example-company"
44 ],
45 "youtube_url": [
46 "https://www.youtube.com/example-company"
47 ],
48 "github_url": [
49 "https://github.com/example-company"
50 ],
51 "reddit_url": [
52 "https://www.reddit.com/user/example-company"
53 ],
54 "financial_website_url": "https://www.financial-website.com/organization/example-company",
55 "stock_ticker": [
56 {
57 "exchange": "NASDAQ",
58 "ticker": "AAPL"
59 }
60 ],
61 "top_previous_companies": [
62 {
63 "company_id": 110,
64 "company_name": "Example Company",
65 "count": 5
66 }
67 ],
68 "top_next_companies": [
69 {
70 "company_id": 110,
71 "company_name": "Example Sister Company",
72 "count": 3
73 }
74 ],
75 "is_b2b": 1.0,
76 "industry": "Software Development",
77 "sic_codes": [
78 "87",
79 "874"
80 ],
81 "naics_codes": [
82 "32",
83 "325"
84 ],
85 "categories_and_keywords": [
86 "call/contact center software provider",
87 "call & contact center software",
88 "contact center software",
89 "Example Company",
90 "contact center",
91 "call center infrastructure (cci)",
92 "auto dialer",
93 "contact center workforce",
94 "call compliance",
95 "law and government > government",
96 "call center software",
97 "customer engagement software",
98 "call center technology",
99 "cloud communications",
100 "customer experience",
101 "innovation",
102 "enterprise software",
103 "customer service",
104 "csat",
105 "cx",
106 "self-service",
107 "blended inbound",
108 "tcpa risk",
109 "mitigation",
110 "crm",
111 "omnichannel",
112 "cloud-based",
113 "call center",
114 "software",
115 "technology",
116 "cloud-platforms",
117 "enterprise-software",
118 "scheduling",
119 "cloud computing",
120 "saas"
121 ],
122 "description": "Example Company (Nasdaq: EXMP) is a proven cloud CCaaS platform that helps business leaders redefine customer engagement and transform their contact center’s performance. Decision-makers use Example Company to improve customer experience, boost agent productivity, empower their managers, and enhance their system orchestration capabilities. Everything needed to deliver game-changing results can be seamlessly integrated and configured to maximize your success: Omnichannel Communications, AI, a Contact Center CRM, and Workforce Engagement Management tools. For more than 20 years, clients of all sizes and industries have trusted Example Company’s scalable and reliable cloud platform to power billions of omnichannel interactions every year.",
123 "description_enriched": "Example Company is a cloud-based call and contact center software provider that offers a range of products and solutions for businesses of all sizes. Their platform includes features such as voice, email, SMS, CRM, and workforce management, and they offer a variety of services to support their clients, including training, implementation, and consulting. ",
124 "description_metadata_raw": "Example Company CCaaS Ups Your Call / Contact Center Platform with Communication Software So You Can Be A Game-Changer: Voice, Email, SMS, CRM, WFM, for Inbound & Outbound Agents.",
125 "type": "Public Company",
126 "status": {
127 "value": "active",
128 "comment": "Acquired"
129 },
130 "founded_year": "2000",
131 "size_range": "501-1000 employees",
132 "employees_count": 294,
133 "followers_count_professional_network": 12838,
134 "followers_count_twitter": 705,
135 "followers_count_owler": 188,
136 "hq_region": [
137 "Americas",
138 "Northern America",
139 "AMER"
140 ],
141 "hq_country": "United States",
142 "hq_country_iso2": "US",
143 "hq_country_iso3": "USA",
144 "hq_location": "Austin, TX, United States",
145 "hq_full_address": "123 Main Street; Suite 500; Austin, TX 78701, US",
146 "hq_city": "Austin",
147 "hq_state": "Texas",
148 "hq_street": "123 Main Street; Suite 500",
149 "hq_zipcode": "78701",
150 "company_locations_full": [
151 {
152 "location_address": "123 Main Street; Suite 500; Austin, TX 78701, US",
153 "is_primary": true
154 }
155 ],
156 "is_public": 1,
157 "ipo_date": "2021-01-14",
158 "ipo_share_price": 10,
159 "ipo_share_price_currency": "USD",
160 "revenue_annual_range": {
161 "source_4_annual_revenue_range": {
162 "annual_revenue_range_from": 1.0E8,
163 "annual_revenue_range_to": 5.0E8,
164 "annual_revenue_range_currency": "$"
165 },
166 "source_6_annual_revenue_range": {
167 "annual_revenue_range_from": 1.0E8,
168 "annual_revenue_range_to": 2.0E8,
169 "annual_revenue_range_currency": "$"
170 }
171 },
172 "revenue_annual": {
173 "source_5_annual_revenue": {
174 "annual_revenue": 143285000,
175 "annual_revenue_currency": "$"
176 },
177 "source_1_annual_revenue": {
178 "annual_revenue": 1.36025E8,
179 "annual_revenue_currency": "$"
180 }
181 },
182 "revenue_quarterly": {
183 "value": 3.5352E7,
184 "currency": "$"
185 },
186 "income_statements": [
187 {
188 "cost_of_goods_sold": 187884,
189 "cost_of_goods_sold_currency": "$",
190 "ebit": 673028000,
191 "ebitda": 785395000,
192 "ebitda_margin": 0.23780319797984079,
193 "ebit_margin": 0.20378053174514263,
194 "earnings_per_share": -0.12,
195 "gross_profit": 145952,
196 "gross_profit_margin": 0.43719670736529315,
197 "income_tax_expense": 15625,
198 "interest_expense": 76,
199 "interest_income": 15920,
200 "net_income": 55891,
201 "period_display_end_date": "Q3, 2023",
202 "period_end_date": "2023-09-30",
203 "period_type": "q3",
204 "pre_tax_profit": 71516,
205 "revenue": 333836,
206 "total_operating_expense": 2.7999E7
207 }
208 ],
209 "stock_information": [
210 {
211 "closing_price": 3.7300000190734863,
212 "currency": "$",
213 "date": "2023-12-29",
214 "marketcap": 3.52990784E8
215 },
216 {
217 "closing_price": 3.680000066757202,
218 "currency": "$",
219 "date": "2023-11-30",
220 "marketcap": 3.48259008E8
221 }
222 ],
223 "last_funding_round_name": "Venture Round - Example Company",
224 "last_funding_round_announced_date": "2014-03-25",
225 "last_funding_round_lead_investors": [
226 "John Doe Ventures"
227 ],
228 "last_funding_round_amount_raised": 1234567890,
229 "last_funding_round_amount_raised_currency": "$",
230 "last_funding_round_num_investors": 1,
231 "funding_rounds": [
232 {
233 "name": "Series E - Example Company",
234 "announced_date": "2007-06-19",
235 "lead_investors": [
236 "R&D Ventures"
237 ],
238 "amount_raised": 7100000,
239 "amount_raised_currency": "$",
240 "num_investors": 3
241 }
242 ],
243 "ownership_status": "Public",
244 "parent_company_information": {
245 "parent_company_name": "Parent Company",
246 "parent_company_website": "https://www.parent-company.com/",
247 "date": "10/2023"
248 },
249 "acquired_by_summary": {
250 "acquirer_name": "Parent Company",
251 "announced_date": "2023-10-04",
252 "price": 350000000,
253 "currency": "USD"
254 },
255 "num_acquisitions_source_1": 2,
256 "acquisition_list_source_1": [
257 {
258 "acquiree_name": "First Acquiree",
259 "announced_date": "2019-12-10",
260 "price": 350000000,
261 "currency": "$"
262 },
263 {
264 "acquiree_name": "Second Acquiree",
265 "announced_date": "2020-01-27",
266 "price": 350000000,
267 "currency": "$"
268 }
269 ],
270 "num_acquisitions_source_2": 2,
271 "acquisition_list_source_2": [
272 {
273 "acquiree_name": "First Acquiree",
274 "announced_date": "2020-01-27",
275 "price": 350000000,
276 "currency": "$"
277 },
278 {
279 "acquiree_name": "Second Acquiree",
280 "announced_date": "2019-12-10",
281 "price": 350000000,
282 "currency": "$"
283 }
284 ],
285 "num_acquisitions_source_5": 2,
286 "acquisition_list_source_5": [
287 {
288 "acquiree_name": "First Acquiree",
289 "announced_date": "Jan 2020",
290 "price": 350000000,
291 "currency": "$"
292 },
293 {
294 "acquiree_name": "Second Acquiree",
295 "announced_date": "Dec 2019",
296 "price": 350000000,
297 "currency": "$"
298 }
299 ],
300 "competitors": [
301 {
302 "company_name": "first competitor",
303 "similarity_score": 5321
304 },
305 {
306 "company_name": "second competitor",
307 "similarity_score": 5605
308 },
309 {
310 "company_name": "third competitor",
311 "similarity_score": 5238
312 },
313 {
314 "company_name": "fourth competitor",
315 "similarity_score": 6279
316 }
317 ],
318 "competitors_websites": [
319 {
320 "website": "example-website.com",
321 "similarity_score": 100,
322 "total_website_visits_monthly": 91600,
323 "category": "Law and Government > Government",
324 "rank_category": 13758
325 },
326 {
327 "website": "example-website2.com",
328 "similarity_score": 100,
329 "total_website_visits_monthly": 403700,
330 "category": "Law and Government > Government",
331 "rank_category": 3510
332 }
333 ],
334 "company_phone_numbers": [
335 "(555) 123-4567"
336 ],
337 "company_emails": [
338 "[email protected]"
339 ],
340 "pricing_available": false,
341 "free_trial_available": false,
342 "demo_available": false,
343 "is_downloadable": false,
344 "mobile_apps_exist": false,
345 "online_reviews_exist": false,
346 "documentation_exist": false,
347 "product_reviews_count": 74,
348 "product_reviews_aggregate_score": 4.513513513513513,
349 "product_reviews_score_distribution": {
350 "1": 0,
351 "2": 0,
352 "3": 4,
353 "4": 28,
354 "5": 42
355 },
356 "product_pricing_summary": [
357 {
358 "type": "First plan",
359 "price": "38.00",
360 "details": "Per Month"
361 },
362 {
363 "type": "Second plan",
364 "price": "85",
365 "details": "per month (Annual Plan)"
366 }
367 ],
368 "num_news_articles": 1,
369 "news_articles": [
370 {
371 "headline": "Example Company Layoffs Hit Channel and Sales Team",
372 "published_date": "2024-01-08",
373 "summary": "Professional networking sites have seen the influx of ex-Example Company employees posting about getting layoff notices in the past week. The cuts have come following the acquisition by contact-center-as-a-service (CCaaS) giant NICE.",
374 "article_url": "https://www.channelfutures.com/unified-communications/example-company-layoffs-hit-channel-and-sales-team"
375 }
376 ],
377 "num_technologies_used": 40,
378 "technologies_used": [
379 "well",
380 "aws fargate",
381 "salesloft",
382 "hunter",
383 "rds",
384 "elasticsearch",
385 "jenkins",
386 "oracle cloud infrastructure"
387 ],
388 "total_website_visits_monthly": 72600,
389 "visits_change_monthly": 14.12,
390 "rank_global": 573826,
391 "rank_country": 119057,
392 "rank_category": 2160,
393 "visits_breakdown_by_country": [
394 {
395 "country": "United States",
396 "percentage": 74.9,
397 "percentage_monthly_change": 31.74
398 },
399 {
400 "country": "Mexico",
401 "percentage": 11.21,
402 "percentage_monthly_change": 54.63
403 },
404 {
405 "country": "India",
406 "percentage": 3.12,
407 "percentage_monthly_change": 72.35
408 },
409 {
410 "country": "United Kingdom",
411 "percentage": 2.48,
412 "percentage_monthly_change": 166.9
413 },
414 {
415 "country": "Germany",
416 "percentage": 1.54,
417 "percentage_monthly_change": 164.9
418 }
419 ],
420 "visits_breakdown_by_gender": {
421 "male_percentage": 0.0,
422 "female_percentage": 0.0
423 },
424 "visits_breakdown_by_age": {
425 "age_18_24_percentage": 0.0,
426 "age_25_34_percentage": 0.0,
427 "age_35_44_percentage": 0.0,
428 "age_45_54_percentage": 0.0,
429 "age_55_64_percentage": 0.0,
430 "age_65_plus_percentage": 0.0
431 },
432 "bounce_rate": 41.26,
433 "pages_per_visit": 5.5,
434 "average_visit_duration_seconds": 287.0,
435 "similarly_ranked_websites": [
436 "example-website.com",
437 "examplary-website.com"
438 ],
439 "top_topics": [
440 "google",
441 "social network",
442 "social",
443 "social media",
444 "google apps"
445 ],
446 "company_employee_reviews_count": 145,
447 "company_employee_reviews_aggregate_score": 4.1,
448 "employee_reviews_score_breakdown": {
449 "business_outlook": 0.55,
450 "career_opportunities": 3.6,
451 "ceo_approval": 0.57,
452 "compensation_benefits": 4.2,
453 "culture_values": 4.1,
454 "diversity_inclusion": 3.7,
455 "recommend": 0.76,
456 "senior_management": 3.4,
457 "work_life_balance": 4.2
458 },
459 "employee_reviews_score_distribution": {
460 "1": 2,
461 "2": 7,
462 "3": 9,
463 "4": 14,
464 "5": 28
465 },
466 "active_job_postings_count": 2,
467 "active_job_postings_titles": [
468 "Product Manager",
469 "DevOps Engineer"
470 ],
471 "active_job_postings_count_by_month": {
472 "active_job_postings_count": 34,
473 "date": "2023-11"
474 },
475 "base_salary": [
476 {
477 "title": "Software Engineer",
478 "salary_p25": 4500000.0,
479 "salary_median": 5500000.0,
480 "salary_p75": 7875000.0,
481 "currency": "COP",
482 "pay_period": "MONTHLY",
483 "salary_updated_at": "2018-05-31"
484 },
485 {
486 "title": "Devops Engineer",
487 "salary_p25": 1100000.0,
488 "salary_median": 1300000.0,
489 "salary_p75": 1500000.0,
490 "currency": "INR",
491 "pay_period": "ANNUAL",
492 "salary_updated_at": "2023-01-16"
493 }
494 ],
495 "additional_pay": [
496 {
497 "title": "Implementation Manager",
498 "additional_pay_values": [
499 {
500 "additional_pay_p25": 6598.52,
501 "additional_pay_median": 8798.02,
502 "additional_pay_p75": 12317.23,
503 "additional_pay_type": "Cash Bonus"
504 }
505 ],
506 "currency": "USD",
507 "pay_period": "ANNUAL",
508 "salary_updated_at": "2024-02-10"
509 },
510 {
511 "title": "Sales Development Representative (SDR)",
512 "additional_pay_values": [
513 {
514 "additional_pay_p25": 12029.97,
515 "additional_pay_median": 16039.96,
516 "additional_pay_p75": 22455.95,
517 "additional_pay_type": "Commission Sharing"
518 }
519 ],
520 "currency": "USD",
521 "pay_period": "ANNUAL",
522 "salary_updated_at": "2023-01-16"
523 }
524 ],
525 "total_salary": [
526 {
527 "title": "Marketing",
528 "salary_p25": 45.51,
529 "salary_median": 60.68,
530 "salary_p75": 84.07,
531 "currency": "USD",
532 "pay_period": "HOURLY",
533 "salary_updated_at": "2024-02-10"
534 },
535 {
536 "title": "QA Engineer",
537 "salary_p25": 5.76E7,
538 "salary_median": 1.13E8,
539 "salary_p75": 1.13E8,
540 "currency": "COP",
541 "pay_period": "ANNUAL",
542 "salary_updated_at": "2021-05-17"
543 }
544 ],
545 "employees_count_breakdown_by_seniority": {
546 "employees_count_owner": 0,
547 "employees_count_founder": 0,
548 "employees_count_clevel": 3,
549 "employees_count_partner": 1,
550 "employees_count_vp": 8,
551 "employees_count_head": 1,
552 "employees_count_director": 10,
553 "employees_count_manager": 31,
554 "employees_count_senior": 73,
555 "employees_count_mid": 8,
556 "employees_count_junior": 1,
557 "employees_count_intern": 0,
558 "employees_count_other_management": 88
559 },
560 "employees_count_breakdown_by_seniority_by_month": [
561 {
562 "employees_count_breakdown_by_seniority": {
563 "employees_count_owner": 5,
564 "employees_count_founder": 3,
565 "employees_count_clevel": 7,
566 "employees_count_partner": 2,
567 "employees_count_vp": 6,
568 "employees_count_head": 4,
569 "employees_count_director": 10,
570 "employees_count_manager": 15,
571 "employees_count_senior": 20,
572 "employees_count_intern": 8,
573 "employees_count_specialist": 12,
574 "employees_count_other_management": 5
575 },
576 "date": "2023-09"
577 }
578 ],
579 "employees_count_breakdown_by_department": {
580 "employees_count_medical": 0,
581 "employees_count_sales": 24,
582 "employees_count_hr": 8,
583 "employees_count_legal": 2,
584 "employees_count_marketing": 5,
585 "employees_count_finance": 7,
586 "employees_count_tech": 63,
587 "employees_count_consulting": 2,
588 "employees_count_operations": 2,
589 "employees_count_other_department": 99,
590 "employees_count_product": 12
591 },
592 "employees_count_breakdown_by_department_by_month": [
593 {
594 "employees_count_breakdown_by_department": {
595 "employees_count_sales": 0,
596 "employees_count_hr": 0,
597 "employees_count_legal": 45,
598 "employees_count_marketing": 4,
599 "employees_count_finance": 0,
600 "employees_count_technical": 0,
601 "employees_count_consulting": 0,
602 "employees_count_operations": 55,
603 "employees_count_product": 0,
604 "employees_count_general_management": 0,
605 "employees_count_administrative": 0,
606 "employees_count_customer_service": 0,
607 "employees_count_project_management": 34,
608 "employees_count_design": 0,
609 "employees_count_research": 0,
610 "employees_count_trades": 56,
611 "employees_count_real_estate": 0,
612 "employees_count_education": 0,
613 "employees_count_other_department": 0
614 },
615 "date": "2021-01"
616 }
617 ],
618 "employees_count_breakdown_by_region": {
619 "employees_count_eastern_europe": 4,
620 "employees_count_latin_america": 5,
621 "employees_count_southern_europe": 6,
622 "employees_count_sub_saharan_africa": 0,
623 "employees_count_central_asia": 15,
624 "employees_count_northern_america": 0,
625 "employees_count_australia_new_zealand": 0,
626 "employees_count_northern_europe": 0,
627 "employees_count_south_eastern_asia": 0,
628 "employees_count_polynesia": 2,
629 "employees_count_southern_asia": 0,
630 "employees_count_northern_africa": 3,
631 "employees_count_melanesia": 0,
632 "employees_count_western_europe": 0,
633 "employees_count_western_asia": 0,
634 "employees_count_eastern_asia": 9,
635 "employees_count_micronesia": 0,
636 "employees_count_unknown": 0
637 },
638 "employees_count_breakdown_by_region_by_month": [
639 {
640 "employees_count_breakdown_by_region": {
641 "employees_count_eastern_europe": 3,
642 "employees_count_latin_america": 0,
643 "employees_count_southern_europe": 0,
644 "employees_count_sub_saharan_africa": 0,
645 "employees_count_central_asia": 0,
646 "employees_count_northern_america": 5,
647 "employees_count_australia_new_zealand": 0,
648 "employees_count_northern_europe": 7,
649 "employees_count_south_eastern_asia": 0,
650 "employees_count_polynesia": 0,
651 "employees_count_southern_asia": 0,
652 "employees_count_northern_africa": 0,
653 "employees_count_melanesia": 5,
654 "employees_count_western_europe": 0,
655 "employees_count_western_asia": 6,
656 "employees_count_eastern_asia": 0,
657 "employees_count_micronesia": 0,
658 "employees_count_unknown": 0
659 },
660 "date": "2021-01"
661 }
662 ],
663 "employees_count_by_country": [
664 {
665 "country": "Germany",
666 "employee_count": 1
667 },
668 {
669 "country": "Russia",
670 "employee_count": 1
671 }
672 ],
673 "employees_count_by_country_by_month": [
674 {
675 "employees_count_by_country": [
676 {
677 "country": "United States",
678 "employee_count": 43
679 }
680 ],
681 "date": "2021-01"
682 }
683 ],
684 "key_executives": [
685 {
686 "member_id": 86953887,
687 "member_full_name": "John Doe",
688 "member_position_title": "Partner"
689 }
690 ],
691 "key_employee_change_events": [
692 {
693 "employee_change_event_name": "Example Company Appoints John Doe as Chief Investment Officer",
694 "employee_change_event_date": "2024-01-18",
695 "employee_change_event_url": "https://www.vcaonline.com/news/2024011822/voicestream-technologies-appoints-john-doe-as-chief-investment-officer/"
696 }
697 ],
698 "key_executive_arrivals": [
699 {
700 "member_id": 423235614,
701 "member_full_name": "John Doe",
702 "member_position_title": "Partner",
703 "arrival_date": "Apr 2024"
704 },
705 {
706 "member_id": 2241368,
707 "member_full_name": "Marry Moe",
708 "member_position_title": "Partner",
709 "arrival_date": "May 2024"
710 }
711 ],
712 "key_executive_departures": [
713 {
714 "member_id": 692515608,
715 "member_full_name": "John Doe",
716 "member_position_title": "Partner",
717 "departure_date": "May 2024"
718 },
719 {
720 "member_id": 83299323,
721 "member_full_name": "Danny Doe",
722 "member_position_title": "Partner",
723 "departure_date": "Aug 2024"
724 }
725 ],
726 "employees_count_change": {
727 "current": 324,
728 "change_monthly": -26,
729 "change_monthly_percentage": -7.428571428571429,
730 "change_quarterly": -213,
731 "change_quarterly_percentage": -39.66480446927375,
732 "change_yearly": -244,
733 "change_yearly_percentage": -42.95774647887324
734 },
735 "employees_count_by_month": [
736 {
737 "employees_count": 0,
738 "date": "2019-11"
739 },
740 {
741 "employees_count": 0,
742 "date": "2021-01"
743 }
744 ],
745 "professional_network_followers_count_change": {
746 "current": 12779,
747 "change_monthly": 70,
748 "change_monthly_percentage": 0.5507907781886852,
749 "change_quarterly": 891,
750 "change_quarterly_percentage": 7.494952893674293,
751 "change_yearly": 1845,
752 "change_yearly_percentage": 16.873971099323214
753 },
754 "professional_network_followers_count_by_month": [
755 {
756 "follower_count": 0,
757 "date": "2019-11"
758 },
759 {
760 "follower_count": 1,
761 "date": "2021-01"
762 }
763 ],
764 "active_job_postings_count_change": {
765 "current": 11540,
766 "change_monthly": 54,
767 "change_monthly_percentage": 0.467822984671254,
768 "change_quarterly": 743,
769 "change_quarterly_percentage": 6.431215746103567,
770 "change_yearly": 1594,
771 "change_yearly_percentage": 14.563924765213854
772 },
773 "product_reviews_score_change": {
774 "current": 4.3,
775 "change_monthly": 0.0,
776 "change_quarterly": 0.0,
777 "change_yearly": 0.0
778 },
779 "product_reviews_score_by_month": [
780 {
781 "product_reviews_score": 4.4,
782 "date": "2019-11"
783 },
784 {
785 "product_reviews_score": 4.6,
786 "date": "2021-01"
787 }
788 ],
789 "total_website_visits_change": {
790 "current": 15432,
791 "change_monthly": 89,
792 "change_monthly_percentage": 0.576321854392679,
793 "change_quarterly": 1043,
794 "change_quarterly_percentage": 6.781293846102947,
795 "change_yearly": 1983,
796 "change_yearly_percentage": 13.425986213489573
797 },
798 "total_website_visits_by_month": [
799 {
800 "total_website_visits": 60,
801 "date": "2019-11"
802 },
803 {
804 "total_website_visits": 75,
805 "date": "2021-01"
806 }
807 ],
808 "employee_reviews_score_aggregated_change": {
809 "current": 4.1,
810 "change_monthly": 0.09999999999999964,
811 "change_quarterly": 0.09999999999999964,
812 "change_yearly": -0.10000000000000053
813 },
814 "employee_reviews_score_aggregated_by_month": [
815 {
816 "aggregated_score": 3.4,
817 "date": "2023-03"
818 },
819 {
820 "aggregated_score": 3.7,
821 "date": "2024-07"
822 }
823 ],
824 "employee_reviews_score_business_outlook_change": {
825 "current": 0.55,
826 "change_monthly": -0.26,
827 "change_quarterly": -0.26,
828 "change_yearly": -76.45
829 },
830 "employee_reviews_score_business_outlook_by_month": [
831 {
832 "business_outlook_score": 49.0,
833 "date": "2023-01"
834 },
835 {
836 "business_outlook_score": 49.0,
837 "date": "2022-09"
838 }
839 ],
840 "employee_reviews_score_career_opportunities_change": {
841 "current": 3.6,
842 "change_monthly": -0.19999999999999973,
843 "change_quarterly": -0.19999999999999973,
844 "change_yearly": -0.49999999999999956
845 },
846 "employee_reviews_score_career_opportunities_by_month": [
847 {
848 "career_opportunities_score": 3.6,
849 "date": "2022-10"
850 },
851 {
852 "career_opportunities_score": 3.6,
853 "date": "2022-06"
854 }
855 ],
856 "employee_reviews_score_ceo_approval_change": {
857 "current": 0.57,
858 "change_monthly": -0.040000000000000036,
859 "change_quarterly": -0.040000000000000036,
860 "change_yearly": -48.43
861 },
862 "employee_reviews_score_ceo_approval_by_month": [
863 {
864 "ceo_approval_score": 0.0,
865 "date": "2023-03"
866 },
867 {
868 "ceo_approval_score": 0.0,
869 "date": "2022-08"
870 }
871 ],
872 "employee_reviews_score_compensation_benefits_change": {
873 "current": 4.2,
874 "change_monthly": 0.10000000000000053,
875 "change_quarterly": 0.10000000000000053,
876 "change_yearly": -0.09999999999999964
877 },
878 "employee_reviews_score_compensation_benefits_by_month": [
879 {
880 "compensation_benefits_score": 3.6,
881 "date": "2023-02"
882 },
883 {
884 "compensation_benefits_score": 3.6,
885 "date": "2022-12"
886 }
887 ],
888 "employee_reviews_score_culture_values_change": {
889 "current": 4.1,
890 "change_monthly": 0.0,
891 "change_quarterly": 0.0,
892 "change_yearly": -0.10000000000000053
893 },
894 "employee_reviews_score_culture_values_by_month": [
895 {
896 "culture_values_score": 3.9,
897 "date": "2023-03"
898 },
899 {
900 "culture_values_score": 3.9,
901 "date": "2022-11"
902 }
903 ],
904 "employee_reviews_score_diversity_inclusion_change": {
905 "current": 3.7,
906 "change_monthly": -0.19999999999999973,
907 "change_quarterly": -0.19999999999999973,
908 "change_yearly": -0.39999999999999947
909 },
910 "employee_reviews_score_diversity_inclusion_by_month": [
911 {
912 "diversity_inclusion_score": 4.5,
913 "date": "2023-03"
914 },
915 {
916 "diversity_inclusion_score": 4.5,
917 "date": "2022-11"
918 }
919 ],
920 "employee_reviews_score_recommend_change": {
921 "current": 0.76,
922 "change_monthly": -0.12,
923 "change_quarterly": -0.12,
924 "change_yearly": -81.24
925 },
926 "employee_reviews_score_recommend_by_month": [
927 {
928 "recommend_score": 0.54,
929 "date": "2024-07"
930 },
931 {
932 "recommend_score": 0.54,
933 "date": "2024-06"
934 }
935 ],
936 "employee_reviews_score_senior_management_change": {
937 "current": 3.4,
938 "change_monthly": -0.10000000000000009,
939 "change_quarterly": -0.10000000000000009,
940 "change_yearly": -0.30000000000000027
941 },
942 "employee_reviews_score_senior_management_by_month": [
943 {
944 "senior_management_score": 3.9,
945 "date": "2023-03"
946 },
947 {
948 "senior_management_score": 3.9,
949 "date": "2022-11"
950 }
951 ],
952 "employee_reviews_score_work_life_balance_change": {
953 "current": 4.2,
954 "change_monthly": 0.0,
955 "change_quarterly": 0.0,
956 "change_yearly": -0.09999999999999964
957 },
958 "employee_reviews_score_work_life_balance_by_month": [
959 {
960 "work_life_balance_score": 3.8,
961 "date": "2023-01"
962 },
963 {
964 "work_life_balance_score": 3.8,
965 "date": "2022-09"
966 }
967 ],
968 "expired_domain": 0,
969 "unique_domain": 1,
970 "unique_website": 1,
971 "last_updated_at": "2024-04-28",
972 "created_at": "2022-01-21"
Updated 02 Nov 2024
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