Company Data

Multi-source company data API


This section covers basic information about Multi-source API. You can try out the multi-source company data playground on Coresignal's self-service.

To learn more about the API and its endpoints, follow the links below:

Multi-source endpoints

Our API is a data retrieval tool. The endpoints do not support analytic features.

Multi-source API features two search and two collect endpoints for searching and collecting relevant Multi-source Company data.









Request types

All Multi-source API requests must be made over HTTPS. Requests made over HTTP will fail.

Multi-source API supports two types of requests:

  • Search endpoints support POST HTTP requests only.
  • Collect endpoints support the GET HTTP requests only.

Request type





Search for relevant company data using Elasticsearch DSL schema



Collect Multi-source company data using IDs



Collect Multi-source company data using shorthand names*

*📌 Full profile URL example: Shorthand name example: example-company.

Rate limits

The Multi-source API endpoints restrict the number of requests allowed per second for each client's API token.

Multi-source API search endpoint

Multi-source API collection endpoints

Allows 18 requests per second.

Allow 54 requests per second.


To start using our API, you need a (JWT) token. Your account manager or sales will generate the token for you upon your request for the API plan. You can also get the token from Coresignal's self-service platform.

All requests to the Multi-source API must contain an Authorization header that consists of a Bearer authentication string and the JSON Web Token (JWT).

Authorization header
Authorization header


Use any API-compatible tool to authorize and start querying in the API.

If you're unsure where to begin, follow the Postman authorization tutorial:

Credits and tokens

Credit cost

  • A successfully executed Multi-source company data API search query costs 2 Search credits.
  • A successfully collected Multi-source company data record costs 2 Collect credits.

The token issued for you has a set amount of search and collect credits:

Two Search Credits are deducted for one successful (200) request in the search endpoint:

  • /v1/multi_source/company/search/es_dsl

Two Collect Credits are deducted for one successful (200) request in the collection endpoints:

  • /v1/multi_source/company/collect/{company_id}
  • /v1/multi_source/company/collect/{shorthand_name}

Discuss your credit needs with your account manager.

Every search and collect response contains an X-Credits-Remaining header that shows the number of credits left in your account.

You can find the credit balance by clicking Headers in the Postman application.

Document image

Example of remaining credits header: